
YourFoodLab.4165405likes·5447talkingaboutthis.Hi!MynameisSanjyotKeer,Iamachef&Icreateeverything-foodcontent!Followtodrool...,,,,,,,,YourFoodLab;InstantFluffyChocolatePancakeswithStrawberryCompote|ChefSanjyotKeer.144Kviews;Thisvideogot100millionviews!|SanjyotKeer|YFL ...

Your Food Lab

Your Food Lab. 4165405 likes · 5447 talking about this. Hi! My name is Sanjyot Keer, I am a chef & I create everything-food content! Follow to drool...

Your Food Lab

Your Food Lab ; Instant Fluffy Chocolate Pancakes with Strawberry Compote | Chef Sanjyot Keer. 144K views ; This video got 100 million views! | Sanjyot Keer | YFL ...